Unlock Your True Wellness Potential with Genesis Wellness Solutions:


Introducing Dr. Benjamin Barenberg's Genesis Wellness Store, MD, FPMRS, a distinguished specialist in Oklahoma City dedicated to Urogynecology, Pelvic Health, and Aging Medicine. Dr. Benjamin Barenberg brings his expertise and commitment to optimal health to guide you through this transformative journey, ensuring that each step is taken with precision and care for your well-being.


Renowned for its mastery of holistic wellness practices, this site approaches each customer's journey with precision and care, ensuring the best outcomes for their well-being.

With Dr. Barenberg, patients can trust his expertise, compassionate care, and commitment to improving their quality of life through innovative treatments and personalized attention. At Dr. Barenberg's practice, the focus isn't just on treating ailments—it's about empowering individuals to live their healthiest, most fulfilling lives. Join him on a journey toward Optimal Wellness, where every step is guided by expertise, compassion, and a dedication to your well-being.

For information on distribution or retailer opportunities, or to speak with a member of the American Wholesale Hemp™ staff, get in touch by phone at 405-604-0525 or via email through our secured contact page.